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MaiaGrazing LIVE: Achieving Drought Resilience through improved grazing management in Rangeland Environments

Written by
Sheeda Cheng
June 20, 2024

Watch the replay for MaiaGrazing LIVE: Achieving Drought Resilience through improved grazing management in Rangeland Environments:

Watch Simon & Laura Prince from Geandale Station in Cobar, NSW, delve into their learnings, practices, insights, and most importantly, landscape and business outcomes influenced throughout the 20-month Soils & Landscapes (SaL) Project. In their own words, Simon and Laura will share their story and approach in managing these fragile landscapes to run profitable and resilient grazing businesses.

Joined by Jo Quinlan from RCS and Col Feilen from MaiaGrazing – Atlas Carbon, you’ll also learn about the role that the MaiaGrazing technology and customised support played, and will continue to play, in the Prince’s management of their 8,640 hectare grazing enterprise.

Simon and Laura share how they initially practiced rotational grazing without data. The project provided statistical backing, boosting their confidence in their methods.

“We have been able to better manage our ground cover through feed budgeting and the MaiaGrazing software. Our experience with the MaiaGrazing software has been really positive.  We had an idea of how we wanted to leave a paddock in, but to be able to put those thoughts into numbers and forecast ahead for the future is great.  Even though we’re in drought now (late 2023), it’s very fulfilling to be able to look around at our animals and paddocks and see they are still in good condition.”

Read more about Simon & Laura's case study here.

The SaL Project, in which MaiaGrazing was a proud partner, engaged 24 grazing businesses across 253,000 hectares throughout Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales Rangelands. The project assisted these businesses to develop drought-resilient practices with a focus on matching stocking rate to carrying capacity. Watch the SaL Case Study Seminar held at Beef Week 2024.

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