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David McLean from RCS explores the grazing management decision process

Written by
Sheeda Cheng
September 27, 2019

Watch the MaiaGrazing Annual Field Day 2020Event Attended by 400+ Ranchers

David McLean from RCS explores decisions and the ones you can’t afford NOT to make

David's presentation explored the psychology of decision-making and how confidence is a must when committing to a path of action. David outlined that decisions need to be made on meaningful information and a clear direction. The main pillars of a grazing business include the team, the land, production and the business. Critical information derived from each pillar includes such elements as stocking rate to carrying capacity, running enterprises with maximum gross margin per dollars per DSE and optimal overheads. RCS benchmarking data was also explored in depth throughout the presentation and highlighted some interesting trends. Some of the key takeaways from David’s speech was that stocking rate to carrying capacity is a critical feedback figure, average rainfall is never average and therefore not a meaningful measure in the decision process. He also stated that we are always in some stage of drought, either leading up to drought, managing through drought or in recovery. He explains it as a natural cycle that we need to plan for and develop strategies to deal with. Find out more about David McLean & RCS

MaiaGrazing Wilmot Field Day Replay 2021

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