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Kit Pharo - The Importance of Quitting the Herd & Thinking Differently

Written by
Sheeda Cheng
September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019

Watch the MaiaGrazing Annual Field Day 2020Event Attended by 400+ Ranchers

Kit Pharo - Ranching should be Profita-BULL, Enjoya-BULL and Sustaina-BULL

Kit Pharo is a prolific speaker with his ‘Herd Quitter’ seminars. He coined the term to refer to people courageous enough to break away from the status-quo, herd-mentality way of thinking. Kit also runs the Pharo Cattle Company in Eastern Colorado, an internationally renowned stud business, with his wife Deanna. Early on they discovered that increasing production wasn’t nearly as important as increasing profits, and there was a poor correlation between production and profit. In his presentation Kit explores his key belief is that ranching should be profitable, enjoyable and sustainable. Without the first 2 elements ranching is not sustainable. Kit’s opening remarks set the tone for his unique speech. His key belief is that ranching should be profitable, enjoyable and sustainable and without the first 2 elements ranching is not sustainable. Kit stressed the importance of measuring performance however, also ensuring we are measuring the sustainable profit per acre. Kit identified that one of the biggest obstacles for farmers trying to achieve a profit is the rapidly increasing costs of production, a trend that is expected to continue. The need to move away from the status quo herd of high-input agriculture is essential and those slow to change will not survive.In short, Kit's adamant that over the next 50 years farmers need to adopt a new approach in order to survive. For instance, this requires producers to think in terms of production and profit per acre instead of per animal, work with nature instead of against it, implement planned rotational grazing, produce cattle that fit their environment and reduce or eliminate input costs.Find out more about Pharo Cattle Company.

MaiaGrazing Wilmot Field Day Replay 2021

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