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MaiaGrazing Plus is here!

MaiaGrazing Plus is here!
Written by
James Camody
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023

Are you looking for a mobile app that can help you make more informed decisions while you're out in the paddock? Look no further than MaiaGrazing Plus. With the ability to work offline, you can capture and record data while you're away from the office. Read on to learn more about the exciting features and benefits of MaiaGrazing Plus.

We're proud to announce that MaiaGrazing Plus, our brand new mobile app, is ready for you! For the past year and a half, we've been fully committed to revamping our app from scratch to provide a better mobile experience for our customers while they're on-the-go or out in the paddock. MaiaGrazing Plus maintains all the existing functionality that the current MaiaGrazing app provides, but in a significantly improved overall package. The new app has:

  • Improved data sync mechanism: MaiaGrazing Plus features an improved data sync mechanism that ensures your data is always up-to-date and accurate, whether you're online or offline. This means you can manage your livestock and pastures even when you're in remote areas with limited connectivity.
  • Enhanced data visualisation: The app provides enhanced data visualisation tools that make it easy to see at a glance where your livestock are located and how much grass is in each paddock. This helps you make informed decisions about grazing rotations, pasture allocation, and herd management.
  • Improved on-farm data capture: With MaiaGrazing Plus, you can capture data about your livestock and pastures right from your mobile device. This makes it easy to keep track of important information, such as livestock weight and rating, paddock history, and grazing patterns.
  • User-friendly experience: The app has a new interface and intuitive navigation that makes it easy to use, even if you're not tech-savvy. The Property Dashboard, Property Map, and Manage Mob Moves features provide a user-friendly experience that helps you manage your livestock and pastures with ease.
  • Planning and forecasting data: MaiaGrazing Plus provides planning and forecasting data that helps you make informed decisions about your herd management, grazing rotations, and pasture allocation. This means you can optimize your grazing strategies and improve the overall health and productivity of your herd.

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It's just the beginning...

We’ll continue to build out new features in response to user feedback to help farmers manage their grazing operations and drive high value decision-making. All this would not have been possible without the great feedback that we've received from farmers just like you. So, we want to give a big shout-out to all our fantastic customers who joined us on the Beta program for our new app. We couldn't have done it without you! Your feedback and patience have been truly invaluable and have helped us improve MaiaGrazing to better meet your needs. Thanks again for being part of the MaiaGrazing community.

How does the MaiaGrazing Plus app help me make key decisions?

MaiaGrazing Plus app has been designed to streamline livestock management by providing a fully redesigned interface and improved data sync mechanism. With its easy-to-use features, ranchers can keep their livestock, pasture, and rainfall data up-to-date, ensuring that the planning and forecasting data provided by MaiaGrazing is accurate and reliable. The app also allows users to access historical data and detailed graze history for each mob and paddock, which provides valuable, contextualised insights for informed decision-making.

What are the key features of the MaiaGrazing Plus app?

Property Dashboard

Your property Dashboard displays an overview of some of the key statistics of your farm, and lets you drill into the details of your Livestock, Pasture and Rainfall data in a snap.

Property Map

Your property Map displays a wealth of information about your livestock and pasture at a glance - perform Mob Moves, see Graze information including Time in Graze and Graze Yield, and see your latest Feed On Offer estimate data from your Paddock Observations. You can also enter new Paddock Observations with your latest Feed On Offer estimates.

Manage Mob Moves

While you can move a mob on the go from the Property Map, you can also see a list of all of your planned future Mob Moves, including any you have set up from your Graze Plan on the MaiaGrazing desktop application. See upcoming moves and adjust them accordingly, and seamlessly record Feed On Offer estimates for the paddock you’re moving a mob into and out of.

View details of Paddocks and Previous Grazes

When you’re out in the field, you can quickly pull up the full Graze History for any paddock, seeing the timeline of how the paddock has been grazed and rested over past seasons, including the detail of which Mob, Graze Yield, and Time in Graze.

View Mob Details and update livestock weight and rating

Just brought a mob through the yards, or simply want to set a new average weight or rating for a Mob? Easily see the detailed breakdown of your livestock inventory by mob, and (in a release coming very soon!) update their weights and ratings on the fly, so you always have an up-to-date picture of your grazing demand.

Enter Rainfall readings and view key Rainfall metrics

Quickly enter rainfall readings from your gauges, and see a snapshot of key rainfall metrics from your property.

What’s coming next?

At MaiaGrazing, we're fully dedicated to enhancing the functionality of our app and providing you with even more tools to improve your grazing management. We're excited to share some of the upcoming features we're currently designing and building, including:

  • The ability to upload and attach photos to your paddock observations, enabling you to document changes on your property over time and gain valuable insights.
  • More livestock administration operations will be supported in the mobile app, such as splitting and merging mobs, livestock births and deaths, and more. Stay tuned for these exciting updates.

We value your input! If you have any ideas on how we can improve the MaiaGrazing Plus app to better serve your needs as a rancher, we would love to hear them. Please feel free to send your feedback to Your suggestions will help us continue to enhance our app to meet your specific requirements.

Want to see how MaiaGrazing Plus can help you in grazing management? Book in a product consultation to explore how our mobile app can make the way you work in and out of the paddock more productively


Looking to download the new MaiaGrazing Plus app?

You can find it in both the App Store and Google Play Store by searching for 'MaiaGrazing Plus' and downloading the app to your device. Once downloaded, simply log in with your existing MaiaGrazing account details and start taking advantage of the app's enhanced features.

"What will happen to the old MaiaGrazing app?"

Don't miss out on the exciting features of MaiaGrazing Plus app! While the old app will still work as before, it will no longer receive new updates. We encourage everyone to migrate to the new app for a better user experience and access to new features. Download the MaiaGrazing Plus app -from the App Store and Google Play Store and experience the improved data sync mechanism and fully redesigned interface, ensuring your livestock, pasture, and rainfall data is up-to-date. Rest assured, we'll provide plenty of notice before officially sunsetting the old app and removing it from the stores.

"I'm a MaiaGrazing Pro customer. Who can show me around MaiaGrazing Plus?"

As a valued MaiaGrazing Pro customer, we want to ensure you have the best experience using our new MaiaGrazing Plus app. Our dedicated Grazing Success team - made up of product-trained ranchers across Australia and North America, is always available to help and guide you through any questions or issues you may have. If you need assistance with navigating the app, simply select the ‘Help’ option from the menu within the app or email us at

"Can I use the new MaiaGrazing Plus app if I am a MaiaGrazing Lite customer?"

Yes, the MaiaGrazing Plus app is available for all MaiaGrazing customers, including MaiaGrazing Lite. We highly recommend upgrading to MaiaGrazing Pro to fully unlock the app's potential and receive additional features and benefits. As a MaiaGrazing Pro customer, you'll also have access to our Grazing Success team for personalized assistance and support. Contact us to learn more about the benefits of upgrading to MaiaGrazing Pro.

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