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MaiaGrazing LIVE: Discovering ‘Regenerative Rangelands’ with Rancher Jody Brown

MaiaGrazing LIVE: Discovering ‘Regenerative Rangelands’ with Grazier Jody Brown
Written by
Sheeda Cheng
August 10, 2023
August 10, 2023

Watch the presentation by MaiaGrazing customer and western Queensland rancher, Jody Brown of LaTrobe Station to learn more about her grassroots initiative, Regenerative Rangelands and its upcoming 2-day event.

As the excitement builds for Regenerative Rangelands 2023 (RR23), a producer-led event focused on producers in the semi-arid to arid rangelands, we are pleased to bring you an exclusive special with its founder, rancher Jody Brown. Watch the webinar replay as we delve into the journey of a passionate rancher and what led her to create the grassroots initiative, Regenerative Rangelands.

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Meet Jody Brown – A Rancher with a Vision

We had the honour of speaking with Jody Brown, a rancher from the natural grasslands of western Queensland. Jody is the driving force behind Regenerative Rangelands. Jody’s passion for building resilience for the land and local communities has been an inspiration to many in the industry. She has tirelessly advocated for sustainable practices and education to improve soils and pastures.

Uncover the Secrets of Regenerative Rangelands

Hear from grazier Jody Brown on her inspiration behind Regenerative Rangelands 2023.

Hear from rancher Jody Brown on her inspiration behind Regenerative Rangelands 2023.

During the live Q&A webinar, Jody shared her inspiration behind Regenerative Rangelands, along with the unique challenges and triumphs that she’s observed among her local grazing community. So, learn about her personal journey to resilience; from her initiatives into landscape rehydration and evolving grazing management that grounds her to her community.

MaiaGrazing is a proud sponsor of Regenerative Rangelands 2023

Lastly, we are proud to support our MaiaGrazing customer, Jody, on her journey to regenerate the rangelands. At the 2-day event, Natalia Brownlie, MaiaGrazing’s customer success officer and a seasoned rancher, will be there to lead a practical workshop and demonstrate the MaiaGrazing mobile app. Sean Hoobin, Carbon Services Director at our sister offering, Atlas Carbon will share insights on how to tap into carbon sequestration to drive profitable and sustainable grazing practices.

You can stay updated by joining their Facebook. More details and tickets to Regenerative Rangelands 2023 are available here.

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