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Champions of Grazing Innovation: Sam Trethewey

Champions of Grazing Innovation: Sam Trethewey
Written by
Sheeda Cheng
September 8, 2020
September 8, 2020

A highly accomplished and vocal advocate of regenerative agriculture, Sam Trethewey is a third generation Tasmanian farmer and entrepreneur who spent 15+ years working on farms and across cities in the startup, agtech and agribusiness space.Alongside his wife Steph and new addition Elliot, they run Tas Ag Co. With a joint passion for food, provenance and the environment, Sam and Steph are working together to produce a unique eating experience for consumers and challenge the food industry to do better.Focused on restoring native ecosystems and rebuilding soil health through carbon farming and data-backed management practices that includes the use of MaiaGrazing, Tas Ag Co. has flourished with no synthetic fertilizers, multi-species plant crops (or ‘salad bowl buffet’ as Sam and Steph would say) and time-controlled rotational grazing.Find out more about how Sam is bringing to life their vision to go ‘beyond sustainable’ by watching this webinar replay:

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