Masterclass 3/3: Gaining Control

Better Grazing Decisions Through Forecasting & Planning
Sound grazing management starts with what we focus on. Stuart urges us to think differently by not placing our attention on those aspects out of our control such as weather & markets. Instead we are encouraged to manage the things we can control which include grass, livestock and money.
Navigating through the favorable and hard times is a challenge and drought is an inevitable part of the cycle within Australia and many other regions. Stuart recounts how they navigated the tough times at Wilmot by harnessing technology and data they were able to confidently make critical business decisions to avoid substantial loss.
Stuart uncovers his decision making process in a practical example from Wilmot where he runs through the data and the and provides the logic behind his thinking. This step by step case study provides a rare insight into a grazing operation that is successfully managing their stocking rate to carrying capacity to achieve a sustainable and profitable business.