MaiaGrazing LITE to PRO Upgrade

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Please fill out the form below and our sales team will be in contact to provide a quote.
If accepted, we will prepare and send your invoice which will include a number of different online payment options.
Our support team will then be in contact with you to commence setup of the application.
Understand Your Stocking Rate and Carrying Capacity

How do you compare actual production this year with other years or the average when rainfall so often varies seasonally?
How do you know, with absolute confidence, it is time to make big decisions about buying, selling or agistment without a number that describes where you actually are here today, which accounts for the actual season you’ve experienced?
You very likely have an instinct for your current position, where you are relative to the season, but how often have you missed the really big decisions by being late to accept it really has gone past the point where a decision to buy/sell/agist would have improved your position?
Change is incremental on the farm, so the important conclusions about tipping points in trend are usually accepted too late to fully benefit decision making, which is why the fundamental value that MaiaGrazing represents is confidence to back yourself and make the big decisions with confidence based on objective production based data.
How we help you make sense of the data
- It’s one thing to know your current stocking rate for individual paddocks or property, but truly matters to optimising production is matching stocking rate to carrying capacity.
- Compare the good years with dry ones on a like for like basis with rainfall factored in.
- View some or all of the farm and compare the variability in production on a like for like basis to get the ‘ahah’ moment about land class.
- See things as they are now today and the incremental change over time that preceded today, ie the trend you couldn’t or didn’t want to see alone.
Powerful Forecasting Tools

Would you like to be able to build your annual budget around some simple assumptions about season and stocking rate that remove the reliance on hope and better times?
Maia knows farming is inherently variable and challenging because things change, but you would agree what remains constant is the desire to be in control and confident you have a plan to be where you should be.
MaiaForecasting closes the loop and provides a visible path from where you are here and now back to an optimal position by asking you to make logical assumptions about what you plan to do in the coming months or longer. What’s more you can do it in multiple scenario’s of optimism or pessimism that reflects the reality of farming life.
What forecasting can tell you?
- Forecasting stocking rate and rainfall, flexibly and allowing for optimistic, pessimistic or average scenarios allows a position to be taken, a conclusion to be drawn and then revised as it unfolds.
- Forecasting your position for stocking rate and rainfall is a game changer for most people, it closes the loop between where you are and where you want to be.
- Forecasting provides the basis many people create their annual budget off the back of.
The MaiaGrazing Chart
in one continuous pictorial view?

See a plan not just for a year, but for all years, with continuity a spreadsheet just can’t match as paddock areas and names change with sub-division and development.
Well the MaiaGrazing Chart achieves just that and more. It is a visual charting of past, present and future grazes to give you a continuous view of stocking rate pressure and recovery over time and area, with myriad detail per graze to click into, giving you a clear picture of grazing patterns, recovery cycles and yield. It is a pictorial view of the allocation of stocking rate, per paddock, group of paddocks and property, for any period of time, season or saved graze plan… all of which can be edited within the screen or out in the paddock on your phone when plans change.
What can you do with the MaiaGrazing Chart?
- Handles open gates, multiple mobs per paddock
- Handles partial day grazes
- Graze yield per graze, per year per paddock
- Instant view of accrued stocking rate per paddock for the last 12 months
- Time overview of the season, past seasons, the past and the future planned
- It’s a visual representation of the season, not just discrete grazes
- See time in chunks and visual patterns of graze duration and rest periods
- Tells the story of how a group of paddocks are being grazed
- Also a simple tool for updating/changing/planning grazing pressure and allocation of mobs to parts of the farm and ‘see’ what is allocated
Planned Grazing Simplified
A feedback loop is one of the most valuable tools a grazing manager can discover, for the simple reason it will help you avoid running out of grass or under-utilising opportunities. Planning grazes turns an ad-hoc task you have to do anyway and solves multiple problems, namely:
- Creating grazes quickly and efficiently, with a process, that are then queued up for all in the business to see and implement so you can leverage your high value time by creating the plan for staff to implement and update for you.
- Seeing ahead of time that stocking rate pressure is not going to meet the situation unfolding and hence avoid running out of grass, or being under-stocked, well in advance and before the market has moved with the masses.
- Creates a saved record of what you thought might happen versus the actual result over some or all of the farm, on the shelf to pull down at any time for review.
- Provides a repeatable process to the allocation of feed that ensures adequate recovery in growing seasons and optimal consumption in the non-growing season
- Provides a valuable conversation with partners and staff around feed levels and optimal stocking rates, with simple flexible means of refining the plan as it actually unfolds graze by graze
- The saved graze plan actually becomes a snapshot of a season, to copy and repeat or learn from with flexibility
Add Mob and Paddock Details

Manage Mob Moves

Add Mob and Paddock Details

Analytics Reports
Paddock Performance

Mob Flow Report

Graze History

Stock Transactions

Reports for Compliance and Auditability
Trading/Journal/ Stockflow Report
Easily generate valuable gross production results, Company-wide per Enterprise and/or Stock Class. This will flush out where the performance is coming from.

Compliance / Auditability
Produce full Mob and paddock graze history for auditable reports, records of feed on offer, graze yields, and all events.